Saturday 25 April 2009

My Three Peaks Race (Gareth)

With great fear and intrepidation I started this race. Like Michael and Chris J I have no aspirations for this kind of thing but wanted to 'have done it'. I have done the 3 peaks cyclocross a couple of times, but that has some rests when you are going down hill on the bike. I know that I suffer from cramp when out for a long time (3 Marathons ruined in the last 6 miles) but maybe this time would be OK.

Set off very steady but still managed to fall going up Pen y gent! However all well. Decided to run with Spike as we were of a similar pace. Very hot as we went up the first hill and was soon walking. After the descent good to see Les with water just as we went towards Ribblehead. Stopped at Ribblehead for some sock adjustments, refreshment kindly saved by Jeff Hornby and then off again and feeling OK. Felt strong on ascent of Whernside and Spike started to fall behind. On top got the first cramp of the day, both calfs knotting up. After a bit of a walk and stretch got going again. Decided that I was so slow that Spike would catch me (which he did at the Hill Inn).

More refreshments at Hill in and then the ominous appearance of (demon descender / wprk colleague) Chris King looking strong.

Me and Spike then set off for the last climb. Cramps over for now made a good climb of Ingleborough and passed lots of other runners. Red Bull transported by Matthew and Sue Jones and ready for the descent. No sooner was I running downhill then the cramp returned and limping on I was passed by Chris King. As the cramp subsided I felt strong and managed to catch and pass Chris K.

OK all the way to end for a pleasing 4.44.

Like Chris, big thanks to support (Les, Jeff, Steve's family and Chris's family too)



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