Wednesday 22 April 2009

Bunny Run #3 - back down to earth

It was back down to earth for me, both literally and figuratively. I'd been in Lausanne, Switzerland for 2 days with work, and had gone straight to the race from landing at the airport, and my hopes of improving at each race in the series took a bit of a setback, not that my time was that bad, but it was not one of my best experiences.

Where's Wally? - can you spot Matthew and me?

I should have read the warning signs. I remember I once ran the Roberttown 7 a few years back after flying back from Sweden earlier in the day, and I had a howler of a race. I just couldn't put my finger on why, I'd done the training, and was running great times on my training runs, but...

Same here, I arrived feeling OK, I'd made sure I was well hydrated, but we set off and I had nothing in my legs. I got caught up badly in the congested start, and struggled to get a rhythm. By lap 2, I was all over the place mentally, thinking how the hell I was going to run the 3 Peaks in a few days time when I was struggling so bad in this short race.

I have to try to rationalise it to myself, and here is what I'm thinking:-
  • Travel, especially flying is tiring, both mentally and physically. I'm convinced this is true, as I've often come back from a trip somewhere and felt unable to train. Also, the whole experience of the airport etc. causes some mild stress (at least to me)
  • I'd walked at least 4 miles that day with my small suitcase and heavy computer bag, and Lausanne is one hilly city!
  • I'd not eaten my normal type of diet for 2 days including a big mac for lunch that day (I was in a rush)
  • The room in the hotel was a "smoking-room" despite the fact I'd asked for non-smoking and I'd been unable to get it changed, consequently I'd been breathing in that stale sh*t for the previous 2 nights
  • No Steve Moss motivating me to run faster
Having said that, it was my 3rd fastest BR ever (of 10 competed), and better than BR #1 this year so I don't think it's a major setback.

Matthew on the other hand should never have run, he picked up a calf injury on the track last Thursday, and consequently ran terrible. But try telling a teenager what they should and should not be doing!

Spen results
96 CHRIS JONES V40 20.18
162 MATTHEW JONES U14 22.36

267 finishers, 3 retired

Full results here


Donnchadh said...

If you are interested, I have just posted Bunny Run Three Video . Thank you for the comment on my first effort please feel free to embed this one or not. It is probably my last as my injury (achilles) is showing marked signs of improvement and I can get back to what its all about. Running!

Chris Jones said...

Cheers Bruce I'll do that. I'm really impressed with the quality of your videos.

Hope the achilles injury clears up soon and you are back running!

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