Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Bunny Run #4 - To run, or not to run...

I wasn't at all sure about this one, since on Monday my legs were still in a state of shock from the 3 Peaks on Saturday, but I'd had a few short sessions on the turbo-trainer to try to keep them from seizing up, and figured I'd do another on Tuesday morning and then just see how I felt as the day went on. By Tuesday afternoon, I was starting to get that kind of tingle deep in the muscles that I've come to know as a sign of recovery, and since Matthew was keen to complete the series, I decided to go for it.

The conditions were a mild drizzle, and little wind, but the course was no longer dry following a couple of days of rain, but it was by no means saturated. The numbers seemed to be down on the previous three weeks, but it could have been my imagination. Milling around before the start I saw at least 2 other runners who'd done the 3 Peaks at the weekend, so I wasn't alone.

I had little in the way of expectations time-wise, so I was quite relaxed, and got off to what for me was a slow start, and got very boxed in. I found it harder than ever to get around some of the slower youngsters, but on reflection, a slow start was probably a good thing, as by the long climb on the 2nd lap I was feeling much better that I had in the previous week. I felt to be pushing fairly hard, but not struggling, and assumed it was because I was running much slower than I had been doing.

At the end, I felt quite strong going into the finish, and stopped my watch at 20:04, just 5 seconds outside my PB from BR#2. Not bad!

Matthew had his second fastest BR too, although he was suffering from an upset stomach, and was still some way of his best. There was another Spen runner, David Wilson shown in the results (see below), but I confess I don't know who he is, and I didn't see any more club vests. So if you are reading David, please introduce yourself next time you see someone in a club vest.

Next week it's the relays, where we hope to recruit Sarah and put in a family team. With some persuasion, we might see 'Team Dransfield' put in an appearance too.
Spen results
67 CHRIS JONES V40 20.04
108 MATTHEW JONES U14 21.48
163 DAVID WILSON U16 24.39

223 finishers, 0 retired

Full results here

Summary of the 2009 BR series
For me it's been a good set of races. I ran 4 of my best 5 times this year, breaking my previous PB for the course twice. However, I have done more running this year than I have for the previous two. Matthew has also improved, although he's very inconsistent. Clearly he can run extremely well, but can't seem to find the formula yet.


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