Saturday 25 April 2009

My 3 Peaks Race (Chris J)

Sue dropped me off at Settle to meet with Michael and Gareth whilst she and the kids went to Ingleton where they planned climb up Ingleborough and watch/support us from there.

We got parked up and met Steve Moss on the start field, and Steves wife and daughter (Sandra and Dawn) offered to take our drinks to two of the checkpoints. We then registered and collected our dibbers, and soon it was time to start. I was feeling pretty good, and not so nervous. My plan was to run with Steve for as far as possible, so I lined up with him at the start. However, once we got underway, I was a few metres in front of Steve in the pack, and just kept running, figuring he would catch me up shortly.

Climbing Pen-Y-Ghent, I passed the 5K marker and Ron Jebb passed me coming back down, with a few others not too far behind him. That was the last I saw of the leaders! Once I rounded the top, I looked back, and could see Steve not to far behind on the climb. I missed Michael and Gareth, but saw Chris King and gave him a shout of encouragement.

The long cross country run from Pen-Y-Ghent to Ribblehead felt comfortable, but I was conscious of not over-cooking it there, and tried to hold back a bit. I got a bit of a surprise when I saw Les Fenton taking some snaps, and with bottles of water for us, which was much appreciated!

At Ribblehead, I collected my drink from Dawn, and received some welcome encouragement from another two Spen members, Jeff Hornby and Frank Reddington, then continued to the climb of Whernside. It was a monster of a climb, straight up the fell-side, and I suspected it was taking it's toll on my calves. Reaching the top, I felt ok, but there were some twinges of cramp starting in my left calf particularly. This was nothing compared to what some others around me were suffering though. At one point I was following a guy from Halifax Harriers, and he suddenly cramped up in his thigh, and hit the deck lack a sack of spuds. I felt I had to give him some aid, so I stopped, and straightened his leg for him with a bit of force, and made sure he was ok before I continued.

The run down from Whernside to the check point at Hill Inn was quite technical (as was much of the descending I thought) I think due to the rain we've had over the past couple of years washing away the paths and leaving a lot of exposed rock and loose stones, but I managed to negotiate it without injuring myself, even if it wasn't too fast. Half way down, Les was there once again with a drink for me, and I took the opportunity to take on an energy gel before continuing.

At Hill Inn, Dawn and Sandra were there once more with the drinks, and also Steve Carter offering encouragement. Just Ingleborough to go now, and once again, Frank was there supporting just before turning off the road onto the fell.

I was starting to suffer now, but managed to pick up a few places on the climb, finally reaching the top, where I was met first by Matthew taking snaps, and the Sue and Sarah with my drink. I took on a lot of fluid and another energy gel, and tentatively set off down the descent, knowing there was just about 6 miles to go. My feet were killing me now, to the extent that I was slowed up considerably by the pain, and it was probably the longest 6 miles I've ever run.

I asked 2 or 3 walkers how far, and each time they said "about a mile" despite the fact I thought I'd run a mile between the questions. But finally, a marshall said about 300 metres to go as he directed me down towards the finish. I managed a bit of an effort for the cameras, and supporters (Sandra and Dawn once more) and passed the finish, handed in my dibber and got a slip with my provisional result. I was very happy with the time of 4:08:56 (see pic for splits/position etc.)

Steve came in a few minutes later with knees bleeding from a tumble he'd taken, followed by Gareth, Chris King and Michael. Although I ached everywhere, I had a feeling of "mission-accomplished", as my aim was to have the 3 Peaks race on my "running CV", the time was just a bonus!

I'd like to say a big thanks to all of those who supported us, because it would have been a whole lot harder without them, and certainly a whole lot less enjoyable. So Sandra, Dawn, Sue, Sarah, Les, Frank, Jeff and Matthew - cheers, I owe you a beer (or drink of your choice) ! Oh, and not forgetting Tim and Lisa, who missed me and Steve on Ingleborough, but did see the others - cheers.

I'll try to encourage the others to post their story of the race.


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