Wednesday 17 June 2009

Speed and Age

Whilst randomly searching the net for anything and everything, i came upon this article which might be of interest to some of you;

Some worthy quotes...

'Weight training is crucial for mature sprinters determined to hang on to as much zip as possible, particularly after 50 when muscle mass begins to decline more steeply. Training with weights set around 75% of one rep maximum will offset fast- twitch fibre shrinkage quite significantly'

'stride length declines significantly with age, and plyometrics, like hill training, offers another significant training option for offsetting this decline. Bounding and hopping are two very effective exercises for enhancing stride length'

'Intense speed and power training can also combat the normal age-related decline in creatine phosphate. Research has shown that anaerobic (and aerobic) training increases the production of creatine phosphate. Research by Moller and co-workers showed that six weeks of cycle ergometer training increased the creatine phosphate levels of 61-80 year olds to levels similar to those of younger adults'

Also of interest is some of the masters 100m records...

specifically this one.. V50- 10.95s

Looks like i've got until i'm 50 to go below 11 seconds!


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