Tuesday 14 June 2011

Spenborough has new president?

Nope its not April 1st. We have a new president.

I didn't even know Donald Ward had died and the next we hear is the next one has been installed. No democratic process (apart from the appointment at the committee meeting), no opportunity for any long standing member to apply for the position if they so wished.

Fate accompli.

The inner sanctum reigns supreme. Oops, slap my hands for suggesting this has been kept hidden from the members and rushed through as quickly as possible by a small minority.

I think they heard a rumour Frank wanted to apply and had to act quickly. Heaven forbid a member not selected by the sanctum might attain the honoured position.

Apparently he wrote a really nice letter to the committee asking to be president. I am not even sure he is even a member of the club and I have never seen him at the track.

I can't understand why he has shown a sudden interest. Where has he been the last 20 years when we needed helpers? Maybe he ought to do a few years of hard graft and commitment at the club before even thinking about rising to such a position?

I thought this position was invariably filled by members who had dedicated many years service to a club in one role or another and had aquired the respect of their fellow members (me out!). Seems not.

Just because your company sponsors a race once a year the jobs yours. Are you suprised? I shall be registering my concerns!

Comments welcomed.