Round Hill Fell Race CM, 9m/1100ft
Hi folks, seems along time since I did any blogging or running, but after the poor do at the LAMM I felt a little down (most people who know me might be a little surprised) But after a good Saunders, coming third vets team with a great partner, it was time to rethink why I actually did run. I came to the conclusion (that most of you know) that I am just a pot chaser and that is what motivates me. To run and not improve on the last outing can be quite demoralising, so with that in mind I set about retiring from this mad round- about. Just fancy not running round the streets half naked and getting wet through and cold and instead having time to read and laze about at tea time. What's that? It's the telephone! "Hi Paul - what can I do for you?" "We are doing the round hill on Sunday and we thought you might want to come along"
Well 8-45 and I was waiting to get going. Race start 11:00. 1/2 mile to start, good field of about 145-160 runners. This is one of those moorland runs of 9 miles 1200ft and quite runnable (so I was told at the start). Off we went with Naz in is best position of the day, at the front with the rest of us behind (Hemmingway, Paul Hoodless and Robert) The start is track for about the first 1 1/2 miles leading out to some of the boggiest grass and heather I have seen for a long time. Having passed Naz in the first 10 metres it was time to concentrate on running steady, as I had not trained for two weeks (and boy did I feel it later as we clambered up to the top of the hill) The downhill was great, I felt free and it reminded me of another reason for running! As the course wore on more & more reasons came to mind for doing this sport, so to all those out there who need some inspiration to run again I say "JUST GO DO IT"! My time was 1h 20 with Steven Hemingway next, then Paul both within 5 min of my time. Robert managed to pass Naz as well leaving him to bring up thr rear. sorry about some of the missing letters but my keyboard keeps obliterating them.
Nothing wrong with a 'pot hunter' Steve. With few exceptions most races are open to everyone to have a go and win a prize.
Most veteran runners will have had, at some point, some mad thoughts about retiring from this often frustrating sport. I have tried other sports to running but nothing else seems to touch the spot physically and mentally for me. So I guess I will carry on with this thing for a few more years yet.
Happy running - and pot chasing.
I've been suffering a lack of motivation too Steve, work problems etc. However, unlike you I've never been near winning any pots, so I have to find other goals like time goals (pb's) or just beating someone who usually beats me. You can have just as much fun in the middle of teh pack as you can at the front. But I'm glad that you are back in action!
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