hello everyone and welcome to my first attempt at blogging. In a break from tradition(race reports/results/post race moaning) thought i would bring you a list i've been compiling. So here is my top 10.
you know your a runner when ?
1. Your toe nails are falling off
2. Your calves are bigger than your biceps
3. You can blow your nose with your index finger(snot rocket)
4. You know the location of all roadkill within a 5 mile radius of your club
5. You've become a professional at popping blisters
6. You have suffered one too many cases of joggers nipple
7. Gatorade/lucozade is your drug of choice
8. You know at least three different ways to tie a shoe lace
9. You can add up miles/meters/yards in your head whereas simple maths you need a calculator
10. The phrase 'moisture wicking' is a regular part of your vocabulary
thanks and welcome to the blog Kevin! I changed the title a bit, hope you don't mind
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