"You'll like this it's a nice race not too hilly..." As I tried to keep going round the course these were the words I was remembering and a few choice words for the person who had said it (mentioning no names but initials EW!). This was a tough course!
There was Jackie, Ed , Karl, Dave (newbie) and myself from Spen AC that were doing this today(Sat 16th May).
The first half of the course wasn't too bad (race was 7.5 miler through fields and woods in Meanwood Park). I remember thinking there's a lot of down hill wonder if we're going to start climbing soon - yes we did!
I managed to overtake newbie Dave at the three mile point but as he said afterwards it took me a while to get much distance between us - as I slowly plodded on. Then the steep bits came and came and came - Edward had said only one there were more like 10! - at one point I looked up and thought my god we're doing a bit of rock climbing here.
After 5 miles I was struggling and kept having to walk up the steep bits. One lady said 'I've never had to walk in a race before' another said 'I feel terrible' and I thought yep I know what you mean.
Eventually as always it finally came to an end. Official results not out yet but here's what I recall:-
- Ed Wilkinson 59 mins (last year 61.57)
- Karl Speight 1hr 05 perhaps?
- Jackie Carter 1hr 06 (last year 59.48)
- Me! 1hr 08 mins (1st timer for me this one)
- Dave (oops don't know his surname) 1hr 09
Karen Pickles won the ladies in 49 mins something and was 4th overall I think they said. Wow how does she do it?!
Welcome to the blog.
Yes is is hilly. I have done it a few times (years ago) but also trained alot round there and it is quite a drag back up the 7 arches.
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