Sunday 25 January 2009

Stanbury Splash 2009

This year, I am going to do some training for fell races and mountain marathons rather than just turn up on the day and hope for the best. However, as it's been grim up north since Christmas, I needed some motivation in the form of a proper fell race. The Stanbury Splash seemed like a good candidate to generate some enthusiasm.

For once, the weather looked promising as I arrived. There was no sign of the rain, sleet and gale force winds that are usual round Penistone Hill. I handed over my entry fee and received a race number and a malt loaf (Can't stand malt loaf. Perhaps I can sell it on eBay.) and then headed down to the start. I met Gareth and Chris (both in shorts but I'm not that brave for a January race) and after the usual warnings about not to getting run over on the road, we were off.

The race itself was fairly tame and enjoyable this year. I didn't ford the river too far upstream and nearly drown. There was no inch thick crust of ice over a foot of mud on which to gash my shins. I didn't even fall in a ditch on the descent off the moor. Even the mud was er... tolerable.

Finished 5 minutes slower than last year but not disapointed as I'd had a good run and wasn't last although Gareth and Chris had finished their tea when I got back.

(PS - Gareth looked a bit sore at work today - I feel fine!)

Spen Results:
124 63:22 CHRIS JONES V40
223 71:40 CLAIRE GREEN F
234 73:12 CHRIS KING

303 Runners

Full results and photographs here


Chris Jones said...

Thanks for the write-up Chris, I look forward to your next one, please feel free to contribute whenever you like!

I was absolutely wasted at the end, in the last mile I was almost at a standstill. A little disappointed with my time since I was hoping to get close to the hour, but the underfoot conditions made it heavy going. On Monday my legs were pretty sore!

Gareth said...

Yes well done Chris for the right up. My legs are fine now and ready for more FELL FELL FELL

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