Sunday, 21 February 2010

Moss the Motivator

Ilkley Moor Fell Race AS, 5m/1260ft

It's not the first time I've had reason to be grateful to Steve Moss for getting me off my a**e and prompting me to do something, that (a) I enjoy, and (b) ought to be doing more of. There is just something about his enthusiasm for the sport that wakes up my competitive spirit, and makes me want to get out there and grab a piece of the action.

So, after welching on the Yorkshire XC the previous day (heavy cold, and lack of fitness) I donned the Inov8's and joined Steve for a run on the great icy wastes of Ilkley Moor. 

Right from the start we knew it was going to be tough, because under the snow, was a layer of ice in many places, and it was extremely slippy. I lost count of the number of times I fell in the race, but only one headlong dive gave me an injury where I cracked my kneecap on a stone, leaving a crimson blood trail don my right shin.

The course was well-marshalled, but difficult to race on, as there was a lot of single file with limited passing opportunities mainly due to the conditions. I wasn't so bothered, because I knew I was way behind my best form, and was just glad to be out there. 

Both Steve and I thought that it was a long 5 miles, but maybe in my case that's something to to with my current fitness level. We had a bit of a laugh at the finish, since it was the first time we've raced together where I've been the one covered in blood and not Steve, and I was threatening to steal his crown.

Times were roughly 57 mins for me, and just over the hour for Steve.

Thanks for the motivation Steve, I owe you a beer for that! (just the one mind)


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