Sunday, 21 February 2010

Jackie's Marathon training 2

Well its been a few weeks since my last blog. We've had snow and ice, but somehow we have managed to get most of our sessions done with a little improvisation and so far managing to maintain the set times given to the speed session.
Week before last was a twenty mile run along the canal from Brighouse. Well ~ I got it to be twenty miles: Liz and Hazel will say 19.8 miles(the garmin police). So they clearly did the extra to make it 20(me~ not a chance).
The distance and time was no problem to me though it took approximately 3.20 hours as we did have Ollie & Jullie needing a slower pace.
About one hour afterwards, having finished the run, I had an energy bar and half of a whole malt loaf. I hit the wall whilst having a bath, I nearly passed out(no-the water wasn't too hot). After managing to get a sarni down me. I was fine even doing some retail therapy at Owlcoats centre.
Did I eat enough before? = I thought I had
Did I eat enough afterwards? = Probably not!


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