Monday 14 June 2010

The Joe Percy 10k

What a fantastic turn out at the Joe Percy tonight Fifteen seniors made the effort and I would like to thank everyone for turning out for me,
The weather was kind to us ,Dry with a little wind .
Kevin race machine Ogden had a brill run just being piped to second by 6 seconds young Ben from Halifax harriers was first, another good run for Anthony Bradford chasing in in 8Th position.
Our first lady in was Emma M Gui re who had a good run closely followed in by Donna Winterbottom, both managed fab times on very little training,
A big well done to Hazel and Elizabeth because the three of us had very sore legs from boot camps strength training , it felt like I was trying to run through treacle at times, I would also like to thank Ian Ogden who just turned up to watch but got the job of writing our positions down as we finished, so thanks Ian,
Team photo & results will be on soon .


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