Tuesday 26 January 2010

Soreen stanbury splash

Happy new year to all are readers ,its nice to get to a race after all the snow and i thought it would be a good idea to do this race. The splash is a very popular race and getting out of the quarry always seems dificult to see the ground for all those feet,But out you get and down on to the moors in all the mud.The race is very runnerble and you soon find youre self reaching the first crossing of the stream and i seemed to get very wet as iplunged in at top speed haveing tried to keep my ballance in the mire that usedto be the river banking still thats what fell running is all about(isnt it).Dan stuat turned out for this race as he dose most years and proved to be on top form finishing in 32 place with a very creditable 51m 38 secs beating my best time by32 secs well done that man. After a good up hill to top of withens it seems like down hill back to the river.The last stretch is back on the moor and up peniston hill my legs felt like led and i was passed by some unlikly fell runners but on the day better than I. sTILL WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE.


Chris Jones said...

Nice one Steve! You should have given me a call, I need to get back into racing, and you are just the man to talk me into it!

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