Sunday, 20 June 2010

spen athleats at the lamm

Just a few lines to let people know that we do have some competing members left, be it that there sport is slightly different to track,and less appealing to some committee members.

In total 5 spen runners set off on Friday 11th June to compete in the low alpine mountain Marathon taking place at lock fynne in Scotland this is the connoisseurs event and very popular.

Steve Hemingway had to find a partner at the last minute, and he was lucky to get one off the lamm web site he completed the score class with very good results Mark& Josh completed the score with some trepidations as this was there first attempt at this type of event there second day went better than the first with some hard lessons learnt from there first day.(they are now looking forward to the Saunders in July as are we all) I my self had one very good event coming second vets team with Tim Sowood who partnered me last year.From an email from Chris King

who did the B class (witch is some what harder than the D class we did) he had a very good event and came 58th witch is very good as we only bagged to Munro's (hills over 3000 ft for those of you who might think its a walk in the park) and the b class did more than two. Sorry for the lack of detail but to do a write up of the hole event i would have to go see Kieth and get him to do the write up.


jackie said...

Well done you guys , I know its tough.

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