Tuesday, 11 May 2010

The missing link - part 2

I agree with Chris.

It is disappointing to see the short sightedness of the committee removing the link to the blog. For me it was a breath of fresh air for the club and encouraged people to contribute articles and information that they never would have done so otherwise.

The blog is a forum where members can express there opinions of all aspects of the club whether they be good, bad or indifferent.

It is obvious that from time to time there are going to be some negative comments made but it must be remembered that this is only one persons opinion and sometimes stimulates healthy debate.

Historically we have seen that as soon as any critisism it raised against the organisation it is never taken in a constructive manner and the individual is seen as a 'trouble causer' rather than looking at the issues raised and accepting that actually they may be valid points.

Having spent a year on the committee the organisation is well aware of the problems at the club. Unfortunately there are very few people who want to deal with them. The organisation should be more powerful than any individual member and if this is not the case then, as we have seen before, this will always cause problems.

As the committee has asked for the link to be removed lets here their side of the story.

Come on committee members, here is an open invitation to any of you who read this. Lets have some contributions from you and here what you have to say then maybe as a club we can all move forwards together rather than slip back into the dark ages.


John Gallagher said...

Totally agree with Chris and Spike on this point. The blog was the best thing going to keep up to date with news of events, results and general performances. The official website is embarrassing to say the least when you compare it to other running clubs around this area- pudsey pacers, abbey etc. The committee need to do something about this and in fact re-instate the blog link back onto the main page.

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