Sunday, 8 November 2009

The Cop Hill Fell Race

It has been a while since I've done a blog , but today I thought I would have a bash at the cop hill, my way of getting back into it not having run really since the Robin hood marathon ,
I set off at the back of the field and as we got going wondered why I was putting myself through it,the conditions were muddy and cold ,my legs felt like lead but I kept going although it felt slow , making my way down the cop I was slipping so held onto the tape, don't ask why! for some reason I thought the tape would somehow stop this , joking with the marshal who said it was my very own stair lift, I picked up the pace heading for the second lap with stopping to re tie my shoes and a couple of breathers I was thinking what a crap run I was having time wise ,I was surprised to find that I was actually nearly 3Min's faster , coming in in a time of 64.05.


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