Monday, 5 October 2009

Helwith Bridge Duathlon

I'm clearly better at running than cycling

I was pursuaded to do this by some colleagues at work. 'Its only a low key event!' I was told. So when I turned up to be confronted by men and women in skinsuits and with carbon rims all over the place (and thats not counting the bike wheels) I knew it was more serious than I had expected.

The event is 4 miles run, 23 miles cycle and then another 4 miles run.

I started the run steadily knowing it was going to be a long grind and was pleasantly surprised when the miles seemed to pass quickly and was soon back the transition.

Heading out on the bike (modified cross/time trial creation)was feeling quite fast until the carbon rims started flying past. After 10 miles (of rolling hills) I began to tire and more passed me. Coming back to the transition though I was not feeling too bad.

Then you start to run and, as anyone who had done triathlon/duathlon will tell you this is when the trouble starts. My legs were like lead. The short undulating 4 miles became an endless roller coaster of mountainous climbs. Cramp started to threaten but as the first 2 miles went by I passed through the cramps and ran OK. Very tired and only passed one other runner.

Came 42nd overall (of 106 and some of those were teams) but with 25th and 22nd on the run and 52nd on the bike its easy to see where improvement is needed.

Good event though and recommended for those who want to change from the normal running events or someone with a deep profile carbon rim!


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