Monday, 14 September 2009

lake distric mountain trial

Hi everybody! For anyone thinking about starting to race mm, this is the one to start you off. This year the venue was Eskdale and the weather was wall to wall sunshine in a splendid lakeland setting, with mountains galore, lots of boggy ground, heather and bracken. I had an over-night stay at the very good youth hostel, with a good evening meal laid on. Out of the window on the lawn, was the starting gate for all catorgories. The mens 16 miler looked awsome, and the ladies course although only 2 miles longer than the short course (designed for us oldies) looked to be, on the map, more than 15 miles and several 100 ft more climbing. An 8:45 start and 1/2 mile run to get the map, and I was off first check point some 5 kilometres away, and one of those silly re-entrants. The first kilometre was just a boggy uphill to get you nice and wet, and warmed up to 19 degrees. Already going past Stoney Tarn as a first route check, then navigate over to High Scarfe Crags looking on the North East side for the re-entrant. Lucky for us it was manned, and easily found when you are in close. This took 1h 8mins. Second check was to be 2 kilometres away and involved some steep descent. A lot of climbing up to 550 ft to the summit third check took us over the steeple and Hard Knot to a tarn check point 3 time of 2h 10 mins in total. Check point 4 was 4kilometress away, taking us over Harter Fell and to Crook Crag to a knoll ch 4 in 1h. A good route choice helped me knock of 20 minutes on most other runners (must be getting good at this). To get to last checkpoint - 5, took me 34mins with a some good descending skills of sliding down on ones bum, the last run in was on track and lanes. Overall time 3h 55 mins, and possibly third vet over 60. This is a very well organised event with lots of help on offer if you should need it and a welcome meal at the finish. The sport indent timing gives you your result when you finish.


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