Some 18 months back, I finally managed to introduce Matthew to cycling. I'd been keen to do this, because he was falling out with athletics, and I felt it was important that he had another string to his bow, and because both Matthew, Sue and myself all feel that Matthew has been let down badly by the club. What I didn't expect was how well he would take to cycling, and how fast he would progress. It's now reached the stage where he'd cycle all of the time if he could, and never run, although I'm fighting against this a bit, but at the same time, he has opportunities in cycling that he would never get with running (at least not at Spenborough). Unfortunately, training nights clash at the moment (Mondays and Thursdays), and over the spring/summer, the racing nights are Wednesdays which clashes witht he West Yorkshire league, that leaves little else. Since Matthew is 15 this week, I realise that I only have 3 years of him left at home in all likelihood, and I want to support him as far as I can in his aspirations in cyling. To be perfectly honest, the circuit racing he's doing is fantastic to watch, because the races last over 20 minutes, and you can watch the whole thing unfold. Some of the youth riders are really skillful and tactically aware too.
Monday, 15 March 2010
A halt in proceedings
Some 18 months back, I finally managed to introduce Matthew to cycling. I'd been keen to do this, because he was falling out with athletics, and I felt it was important that he had another string to his bow, and because both Matthew, Sue and myself all feel that Matthew has been let down badly by the club. What I didn't expect was how well he would take to cycling, and how fast he would progress. It's now reached the stage where he'd cycle all of the time if he could, and never run, although I'm fighting against this a bit, but at the same time, he has opportunities in cycling that he would never get with running (at least not at Spenborough). Unfortunately, training nights clash at the moment (Mondays and Thursdays), and over the spring/summer, the racing nights are Wednesdays which clashes witht he West Yorkshire league, that leaves little else. Since Matthew is 15 this week, I realise that I only have 3 years of him left at home in all likelihood, and I want to support him as far as I can in his aspirations in cyling. To be perfectly honest, the circuit racing he's doing is fantastic to watch, because the races last over 20 minutes, and you can watch the whole thing unfold. Some of the youth riders are really skillful and tactically aware too.
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Chris Jones
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Thursday, 4 March 2010
Roundhay Park, Leeds
Saturday, February 27th
It was just like old times with Jeff Hornby leading the Spenborough team home in the Nationals.
Only the now veteran former West Yorkshire cross country winner and top 30 National finisher didn’t have the likes of Lee Warburton, Darren Hansen, Paul Dobson and Gary Damiani in his wake in 2010.
Instead he had to put up with a bunch of enthusiastic muddy oiks, who battled through the Somme-like conditions to make up a Spen team that came home a proud 79th out of the 107 clubs that managed to get six counters home…and remember that MANY, even bigger clubs, didn’t!
Also, whereas the Hornby-led team of the early nineties probably boasted an average age of about 23, the 2010 model was probably double that and, had Dan Stewart and Gerard Skippings not turned up, the average age of the current crop of mud-dwellers would have been about 93!
Undeterred by the changes in circumstances, Jeff grittily drove through the squelchy stuff and, having passed myself (Keith McGhie) midway round the last of the three-four kilometre laps, powered on to finish in a fine 630th spot.
As Jeff breezed past with words of encouragement, I’d just about run out of expletives about the course (bl***y hilly), the conditions and Spike (Michael Dransfield), who had talked me into doing it…and even taken money off of me for the privilege.
I’d lost four wheel drive quite early in the proceedings and, amid trying to stop my rather inadequate shoes from staying planted in the mud as I hauled a leg out, was struggling to get out of second gear by that time.
The most depressing feature was a bloke in a hooped vest in front of me stopping and walking up the infamous ‘Hill 60’ on the final lap and the realisation that, although I was still supposedly running, I wasn’t actually catching him!
33 places (663rd) after Jeff passed under the finishing inflatable, I splashed through with Dave Lane (who had literally bought the T-Shirt (nice grey looking ones) before the start) a few paces behind in 51:52.
Dan was not a happy bunny – usually happy as a pig in sh*t in these conditions, he too had taken a leaf out of the McGhie book and developed a positive disliking (like a negative liking I guess) for the whole scenario.
Dan must have been ghosted by Gerard who was just three further back in 52:32 while Edward Wilkinson heroically completed the team in 1374th place, having been out on the course for what must have seemed like weeks but was recorded at 1:07:41.
Believe me ANY FINISH after 12km of undulating slop was a GOOD finish… well done to the six who turned up.
Thanks also to the supporters club – the likes of Les Fenton, Kevin Ogden John Gallagher, Gareth Padgett, Sheila Bolland, Roy and Marjorie Bain plus others, who all fought their way manfully to the tea tent and occasionally to the course ropes to yell out words of encouragement.
And what of those who weren’t there???
What happened to Frank (Reddington) – some lame excuse about having his leg in plaster from ankle to hip having fallen and snapped a tendon the week before! What? I told him on the phone only that morning that a dim view was being taken of all these tame excuses for not helping the troops, pointing out that more than one of us was EVEN running with a ‘slight head cold’ – now that’s selfless and heroic if ever anything was!
Wimping out for such minor ailments as having undergone surgery the previous Wednesday and not being able to do anything but hobble about on crutches for the next month or more won’t wash, I can tell you Reddington!
I understand Marjorie and Roland have even resigned from the committee after hearing about it.
I think I can safely say: “GET WELL SOON” from all of us Frank.
The ‘Soggy Six’ dedicated this momentous run to YOU!
Spenborough Placings (Senior Men):
630 Geoff Hornby 50:42
663 Keith McGhie 51:01
688 Dave Lane 51:22
758 Dan Stewart 52:29
763 Gerard Skippings 52:32
1374 Edward Wilkinson 1:07:41
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