This year, I am going to do some training for fell races and mountain marathons rather than just turn up on the day and hope for the best. However, as it's been grim up north since Christmas, I needed some motivation in the form of a proper fell race. The Stanbury Splash seemed like a good candidate to generate some enthusiasm.
For once, the weather looked promising as I arrived. There was no sign of the rain, sleet and gale force winds that are usual round Penistone Hill. I handed over my entry fee and received a race number and a malt loaf (Can't stand malt loaf. Perhaps I can sell it on eBay.) and then headed down to the start. I met Gareth and Chris (both in shorts but I'm not that brave for a January race) and after the usual warnings about not to getting run over on the road, we were off.
The race itself was fairly tame and enjoyable this year. I didn't ford the river too far upstream and nearly drown. There was no inch thick crust of ice over a foot of mud on which to gash my shins. I didn't even fall in a ditch on the descent off the moor. Even the mud was er... tolerable.
Finished 5 minutes slower than last year but not disapointed as I'd had a good run and wasn't last although Gareth and Chris had finished their tea when I got back.
(PS - Gareth looked a bit sore at work today - I feel fine!)
Spen Results:
124 63:22 CHRIS JONES V40
223 71:40 CLAIRE GREEN F
234 73:12 CHRIS KING
303 Runners
Full results and photographs here
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Stanbury Splash 2009
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Chris King
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Tigor Tor fell race - 10 mile 1750ft - Report from Steve Moss
Five brave spen runners set of for this moorland top fell race (part of the totley race series. We lined up with the 345 other hopefulls on a wet and cold morning.with Nazir Hussain(spen) getting to the front hoping to get some advantage over vet runner Steven Moss. The course proved to be very wet and boggy Nazir's advantage soon faded away and some runners were soon fumbling round for lost shoes. The course weht across a moorland top were the runners were spinning off in three diffrent directions trying to gain some advantage in the deep thick heather. Towards the end there were some deep river crossings where Steven Moss flounderd up to his waist in some vere cold and boggy mud but managed to come home first with Steve Hemingway coming in a good second place (after having a bad chrismass suffering the dreded lurgie and looseing a stone in weight),
Times as follows
Steven Moss 1h 36s pos 199th (Winners time Lloyd Taggert in 1h 07s
Steven Hemmingway 1h 39 s
Paul Hudless 1h 46s
Robert Gaylor 1h 55s
Nazir Hussain 2h 13s
We hope to turn out next sunday to do the Mickleden straddle BL 13.8 miles and1980ft if any one else wants to join in contact me on 07799756886
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Sunday, 18 January 2009
White Holme Circular Fell Race (18th Jan)
The race starts at the Summit Inn in Littleborough, and climbs for the first 2 miles to join the Pennine Bridleway heading out towards Stoodley Pike, before looping round, and re-tracing the first 2 miles in reverse.
I looked around at the start to see if there was anyone I knew, but guess what? no red & gold vests (anyone starting to see a pattern here?). There could be any one of a number of reasons for this of course, here are just some...
- I have no friends (possible)
- General apathy (probable)
- Everyone was too busy (possible)
- Fear of me kicking their ass (highly unlikely)
- Afraid of embarrassing me by kicking my ass (possible)
Since most of the race is on the skyline, it's relatively flat after the 1st two miles where the majority of the 1200ft climbing is done, and on the Pennine Bridleway, the surface is reasonable so the pace can be high. However, it was very boggy on the tops. A guy in front of me sunk up to his shorts in the mud, and I went in over my knees a couple of times, almost losing my shoe on one occasion which cost me some time since I was fumbling to get it on again with frozen hands. It was also very exposed on the tops, both cold and blowing a gale, and I was glad I decided to run with gloves and hat on.
As I suspected, the distance meant I was starting to fade a bit at the end, but not as bad as I thought, as I didn't lose any places, and in fact gained a couple on the final descent.
Unofficial time for me was 1:42:12 which was better than I expected all things considered.
Results link (I'm shown in the wrong age category, not that that helped at all)
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Chris Jones
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Wednesday, 14 January 2009
Heartfelt Thanks
Debbie Hepworth requested that her thanks were conveyed to everyone who paid their respects to her late husband Tim last Friday (January 9th).
There was a touchingly large turn-out at the Service of Remembrance at Hardcastle Crags, near Hebden bridge, the Committal at Burnley Crematorium and the subsequent get-together in the Stubbing Wharf, Hebden Bridge.
It was universally agreed that it was such a tragedy that such a wonderful 'reunion' of old friends, many former members of Spenborough AC, should happen in such terrible circumstances but that Tim would have been proud
The Service of Remembrance was held in a clearing of the woods near Gibson Mill and formed a magnificent and very apt setting, as Tim was so passionate about outdoor pursuits throughout his life.
He will always be sorely missed but never forgotten.
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Yorks XC Champs Success!
Spenborough's Liam Stedman and Bethany Ellis scored a historic championship double in the two younger age groups of the county cross-country championships (thus proving to some of the 'slightly elder' members that age is EVERY substitute for experience).
Liam gained a comfortable 20-second victory over local lad - Rotherham's Luke Cotter in the Under-13 Boys section but, although Paul Davis also grabbed a creditable 15th place, Spenborough had no third finisher as the team prize went to Rotherham.
Bethany claimed the gold medal in the Under-13 Girls division by the narrowest one-second margin, ahead of Halifax Harrier's Holly Callagham.Emma Wilkinson (7th) and Katie Byrne (22nd) provided excellent support to enable Spen to grab a set of silver medals in the team competition behind winners Sheffield and Hallamshire.
Full results:
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Saturday, 10 January 2009
Yorkshire XC Championships 2009
A prior commitment from myself meant that my participation seem impossible but a late cancellation and a quick call to Chris Jones who was already at the course to confirm the start time of the race gave me just enough time to jump in the car and fly down the M1 to arrive with about 20 min to spare.
This may have been a smart move as when I got there Chris was shivering and his teeth were chattering looking like he had little enthusiasm to compete. Frank (Reddington) was there at the course but was nowhere to be seen. A sure sign of his serious intentions as he was off on his own getting himself in the 'zone'.
The only other Spen entrant was Kevin Ogden but he had not arrived. Not surprising as Kevin is not renowned as a cross country specialist.
Lining up at the start the plan was to keep the warm gear on for as long as possible and only remove it at the very last minute. I decided to stick with the plan of keeping warm and kept on the tracksters, hat and gloves (big jessie!). Chris went for the gloves and just to highlight how cold it was Frank wore a long sleeve top under his Spen vest(unheard of).
Just to make sure everybody was chilled to the bone the officials (thanks Gordan) kept everybody on the line a further couple of minutes explaining the rules and regulations.
The course was a 5 lapper with some steep climbs and plenty of switchbacks so you could see your fellow competitors. Great if you are closing on people. Not so great if you are fading. The grass was frozen underfoot to give a hard, fast running surface.
At the gun Chris and myself stayed well to the back of the field with Frank stating his intentions early by pushing up into the pack. Quite quickly Chris chased and caught Frank with myself following not far behind.
After passing Frank, Chris pushed on and it wasn't until the start of the second lap that I was able to to catch up with him. Over the next lap I managed to open up a 40m lead over Chris with Frank bravely hanging on about 100m further back. I knew I would need this advantage as over this sort of distance my stamina was always going to be suspect.
Over the last couple of laps Chris and I fought out a titanic battle with Chris closing on the hills and myself pulling away on the flatter sections. Into the last lap Chris had got the gap down to about 20m but I knew if I could get to the top of the last hill in front my basic speed would carry me home.
Frank's usual mid to late race surge was unfortunately lacking today and into the last lap it looked like he had given up the ghost. To be fair Frank had been suffering with a chesty cough all week and only made a late decision to run.
The final result ended with me being the first Spen home, Chris less than 10sec behind and Frank somewhere in the region of a minute back. Sweet revenge for myself as Frank has beaten me in the last 2 yorkshire XC championships. Chris was well pleased with his performance as he had achieved his goal of beating Frank too.
Overall a good day even though we finished toward the rear of the field. Many thanks to the other Spen runners and spectators who stayed to cheer us old duffers round the course. Always most welcome especially on a day like today.
168 46:05 Michael Dransfield
172 46:16 Chris Jones
186 47:18 Frank Reddington
205 runners
Full results here
End of 1st lap with Chris just ahead of Michael (behind the K&C runner)
Frank crossing the drainage ditch
Michael in full flight
The three amigos post-race
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Michael Dransfield
Labels: cross country, race report, yorkshires
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Wednesday, 7 January 2009
Ovenden Fell Race (3rd january)
I tried my best to talk some of our Spen team mates into turning out, but in the end opting for freezing your nuts off on a Saturday morning seemed less attractive than alternative options to everyone else, and on the day, I was the only one from the club who turned up. "You're all a bunch of softies" I say ;)
I was quite surprised at the number who did turn out though, 137 in all, boosted by the race being part of Bingleys internal club championship series. It was pleasing to see a couple of my friends from other clubs, both who had run at the Giant's Tooth 2 days earlier, and one of whom had also done the Auld Lang Syne.
John (my Rotherham buddy) said he'd run along with me, but wasn't fit (hah) and told me not to go off to fast otherwise he'd just drop off (hah, hah). Whilst I had to warn him that I'd had 6 pints the night before (always good to get the excuses in early eh)
We got chatting with Nigel (Halifax buddy) at the start, and then all set off from the embankment, and up the hill side towards the Withens. Despite John's lack of fitness and his warning me about not going off too fast, I was struggling to keep up with him, and by the time we reached the top, he was a good 20 yards ahead of me and Nigel was some way behind.
To cut a long story short, I never caught John, although I came close a few times, and Nigel passed me after about 3 miles (as usual) but I later pulled him back (less usual). I think for him it was too many races in a short time especially since he was coming back from a fractured ankle injury, so I expect it will be the last time I beat him this year!
The ground was frozen hard, which made it more runnable, and the times were generally pretty good. I finished 53rd from 137, which I was really happy about. Probably my best race of the 3.
I really enjoyed the race, nice route, location and good organisation.
Race information
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Chris Jones
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Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Tribute to Tim Hepworth
One of the finest and most highly regarded coaches in Spenborough & District AC’s history Tim Hepworth tragically died on Christmas Eve, December 24th, from a pulmonary embolism (blood clot in the lungs).
Although remaining independent and not actually a member of Spenborough, Tim was, for many years, the premier tutor of 400 metre runners at the club, several of whom went on to County, International and, in the case of Peter Crampton, Olympic recognition.
He took Peter to European Junior Championship glory at Birmingham in 1987 in a still club record time of 46.03 and many feel it is much to do with Tim’s regular and passionate presence at the Princess Mary Stadium in Cleckheaton that, right through to his retirement, and in these days of constant poaching by bigger clubs, Peter never saw a need to leave his local club.
Tim also encouraged many less naturally talented but enthusiastic athletes to get the best out of themselves and, just as importantly, gain enjoyment and camaraderie whilst doing it.
More importantly he was a true friend and confidant to so many people from all walks of life and was always happy to share his love of the great outdoors with everyone he knew.
It is surely fine testimony that, even after moving out of the area to Hebden Bridge some years ago, many of those mentioned maintained close contact with Tim and his wife Debbie (also a regular feature of the Spenborough set-up for many years).
Tim was a fine athlete in his own right as well as a passionate walker and cyclist and gained huge respect for his commitment never to ask anything of others anything he wouldn’t ask of himself.
His views were always forthright, sometimes controversial, yet usually justified and, whether agreeing or disagreeing, there were few who did not respect him for them.
All who knew Tim will find his premature loss incalculably hard to stomach; those that didn’t know Tim should be saddened that they never had the privilege.
To Debbie and other family members, we express our deepest sympathies in these difficult times and can only offer in consolation the thought that he will remain in the hearts and minds of many of us forever…
Keith McGhie
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Monday, 5 January 2009
Pennine 10k - 2009
A healthy (or in some cases not so healthy, following Christmas endulgance!) Spenborough contingent donned plenty of winter warmers to offset the cold conditions and pushed their way towards the front at the start - most knowing full well it was the highest placing they would hold all day!
Kevin Ogden (to whom few of the previous sarcastic comments apply) powered his way through to a fine eighth place (third in V35) amid a good quality field headed by former England international Andrew Pearson.
A grimacing, once evergreen but now decidedly deciduous, Keith McGhie was next home in red and gold in 14th place, an agonising one second away from the V45 prize (come on Halifax Harriers - you can afford more than one prize in each of the vets catergories in a field of over 300!).
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Thursday, 1 January 2009
New Years Day 2009 - Giants Tooth Fell Race
Sadly, it was a pretty poor turnout from Spenborough, just Gareth, Matthew and Chris (me). Although Michael and Frank turned out to support (always appreciated) and I dragged Sue and Sarah along for extra support and to take some snaps of the event.
I led the Spen boys for 60% of the race, but Gareths superior flat speed proved to be too much and he passed me on the reservoir embankment and maintained the lead until the finish. Matthew gave a good account of himself as one of the younger entrants and finished in a respectable position.
It would be nice to have a few more red & gold shirts in the field, as we are always outnumbered by the other local teams like Halifax and Holmfirth. So come on guys let's try to get our act together and show up in numbers!
And here are the results
All photos courtesy of Sue Jones.
Gareth finishing with Chris a couple of places back (you need to look carefully or double-click the picture)...
Matthew mixing it up with the adults...
The runners...
Posted by
Chris Jones
Labels: fell race, ogden water, race report
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